- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, relationship between friendship problems of high school students and four requirements of assertiveness was examined. Two hundred fifty-four high school students responded to a questionnaire. Results of Quantification Method Type I indicated that the second requirement, control of emotion, and the fourth, self-direction, had a negative linear relationship with friendship problems; as the scores for the requirements increased, friendship problems decreased. When the first requirement, candid expression, was extremely high, the person had problems of fearing being disliked by friends and being inconsiderate. And if the third, consideration for others, was extremely high, the tendency to fear conflicts and being ignored also became high.
- 教師の視点から見た高校生の友人関係における問題
- P1-08 主張性の4要件と攻撃性との関連(ポスター発表)
- 主張性の4要件理論に基づく尺度の作成
- 4要件理論に基づく主張性と社会的情報処理および精神的適応との関連
- 2007年度若手研究助成優秀論文(要約) 反社会的行動予防策としての高校生向け主張性トレーニングの開発
- ひきこもりおよびひきこもり親和性を規定する要因の検討
- 高校生の主張性の4要件と友人関係における行動および適応との関連
- PA038 高校生を対象とした4要件に基づく主張性トレーニングの実践
- 高校生の友人関係における問題と主張性との関連
- PB2-11 高校生における主張性と対友人行動、対人ストレスイベント、対人不安との関連(社会)