- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research is examining the active way of being concerned of the old classification owner called for in order to make the suitable countermeasures for a rebuilding plan reflect from actual condition analysis of a rebuilt apartments management. And It is thought that considering in advance the characteristic of the new classification owner who joins after rebuilt, and the influence of the difference from the needs has a big meaning.The following three points became clear by this research. 1) When there are many absentees to rebuilt relatively and there are not many totals of an old classification owner, the chairman of the board of directors who is one of old classification owners may do the reverse fettering of other old classification owners, and may raise management level of rebuilt apartment. 2) In many rebuilt apartments, the feature is in the point that the measure against management (cost) and a residents moral hazard are taken by making the rate of sufficiency of a parking lot high and making many the familiar type room. 3) In an old public corporation condominium, that all houses are the same conditions is the very big elements which make rebuilding and management easy. In a rebuilt apartment, the variety of a dwelling unit is the key factor which reduces the risk of an apartment rebuilding enterprise.JEL classification : Z00
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