- 論文の詳細を見る
A commercial area in the center of Sapporo has been divided into two areas around Odori Station and Sapporo Station. The two areas have independent characters. JR Tower opened at Sapporo Station in March, 2003 causing consumer to shift to the area around Sapporo Station.An underground passage will connect the commercial areas around Sapporo Station and Odori Station. The plan will be an improvement over the current pedestrian priories in the aboveground traffic environment.Analyzing impact of changes in consciousness structure and consumer behavior due to improvement in commercial areas is useful. We analyzed the changes in the structure of resident consciousness and consumer behavior caused by urban renewal projects. To investigate consciousness, we surveyed about 1,800 households in Sapporo. The survey items are examinee attribution, everyday shopping action, consciousness about underground passage and request for aboveground improvement, and sense of value and total evaluation of the department stores in the city center.In addition, changes in consumer behavior caused by the opening of JR Tower affected the sales structure of the department stores in both areas. To investigate the impact of those changes, we determined the correlation of changes in sales among those stores. By analyzing the resident consciousness and impact, we examined the commercial and traffic environments in Sapporo city center.JEL classification: C32, R00, R40
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