Spherical SOM and Arrangement of Neurons Using Helix on Sphere
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Self-organizing maps(SOM) are a kind of neural network, and are applied to many fields. In many applications, there are borders surrounding the neuron arrangement. It causes a problem which is called ‘Border effect’ because the number of neighborhood neurons of a neuron near a border is different from that of a neuron near the center. This problem can be solved by arranging neurons uniformly on the surface of a sphere. But by the conventional method we cannot arrange neurons of arbitrary number. Therefore, it is inconvenient to use. Here we developed a method to arrange the neurons of arbitrary number by dividing a helix which covers the surface of a sphere into equal parts. It also can arrange neurons on a sphere more uniformly than the conventional method.
Altaf-ul-amin Md.
Nara Institute Of Science And Technology
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science
Kanaya Shigehiko
Nara Institute Of Science And Technology Graduate School Of Information Science
Nishio Hirokazu
Nara Institute Of Science And Technology Graduate School Of Information Science
Altaf-Ul-Amin Md.
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Information Science
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