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実践の目的は,改正介護保険法による創設期のA市直営地域包括支援センター(センター)が,新予防給付ケアマネジメントに関し,介護予防ケアプラン(介護予防CP)作成を委託した居宅介護支援事業者のケアマネジャー(CM)が適切に介護予防CPを作成し,介護予防サービス事業者(事業者)と連携して介護予防サービス利用者の自立支援をできるように,しくみづくりを行うことであった。目的を達成するためにプロジェクトチーム(チーム)を結成し,介護予防CP作成のために臨時専門職員を確保し,CMに介護認定情報を迅速に提供するためのA市介護認定担当部署とのルールを作成した。チームは,CMが作成した介護予防CP原案に関する確認基準を作成し,CMにその確認基準を周知し,新予防給付ケアマネジメントのめざすことや知識に関する5回の研修を実施した。また,チームはCM・事業者の学習ニーズを把握し,目標志向型の介護予防CPについて再教育を行い,CM・事業者からの苦情・相談に即応し,改正介護保険法の理解不足やセンター・CM・事業者の役割遂行が不十分なために相手の不利益につながるものに対しては,各々の能力開発に結びつくように支援した。結果として,CMと利用者との契約が7~10日で可能となり,利用者のより円滑なサービス契約に寄与した。介護予防CPおよび自立支援のための介護予防サービス提供の質を改善するように,センター職員の力量形成およびCM・事業者への学習支援が課題であった。In this paper we report the building of care management systems for new preventive care management at the regional comprehensive support center directly operated by A city in its fledgling phase.With a care management team newly formed, an action plan was developed and the project was carried out as the following: temporary workers were employed for the development of the care plans, rules to facilitate relevant procedures were prepared with the cooperation of approval examination sections, and criteria for verifying the original care plan were established. Five training sessions were held regarding the objectives and contents of care management in A city toidentify care managers'(CMs') of in-home long-term care support providers and service providers'(SPs') needs to learn, and renew their knowledge of goal-oriented care plans. Some complaints and requests for consultation from CMs and SPs were attributable to their lack of understanding the revised long-term care insurance law or the center's, CMs', or SPs' insufficient fulfillment of their roles, possibly leading to the disadvantages of others. In such cases, corrective actions were immediately taken.In A city, the center ensured personnel for the development of care plans, and prepared rules in cooperation with approval examination sections, thus making a service contract between users and CMs has become possible within 7-10 days of the application and allowing users to smoothly enter into a service contract. Future tasks are to develop the competence of staff, and support CMs' and SPs' learning efforts.
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千葉看護学会 | 論文
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