助産学生の分娩介助技術習得に関する検討 : 本学助産学専攻科学生の自己評価から
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本研究は,本学の助産学生の分娩介助技術がどのように習得されているのかについて,分娩介助技術習得の推移,分娩介助技術の実践と関連性が強いと予測される助産診断や学習方略の関係性の視点から検討した。その結果,分娩介助技術は事例数に比例して習得されるのではなく,分娩介助6例目から8例目で自己評価得点が上がることが示された。また,助産師が自律して正常な分娩期を管理していることに鑑み行われた助産診断と分娩介助技術の関連性については,助産診断とケアや判断を伴う分娩介助技術との間に関連性があることが示唆された。さらに,綿密な学習方略を持ち,臨地実習前から計画的に学習した学生は,分娩介助技術習得が進んでいることが窺えたが,すべての学生に,分娩介助技術習得に関する学習方略があるわけではないことも示された。We investigated the relationship between the acquisition of skills required to assist in normal labor and delivery and learning strategies employed by midwifery students at our university. Our results indicated that the skills required to assist were not acquired in proportion to the number of experiences. Rather, questions pertaining to self-evaluation tended to arise by the students' 6th and 8th experience of patient deliveries. In addition, a strong relationship existed between categories related to assessment and care, such as transition to the delivery room, preparations for delivery, postnatal care, the accuracy of diagnosis and skills employed by the midwives while performing deliveries. In contrast, a weak relationship was observed between midwife diagnosis, perineal protection and delivery of the fetal head, which are the top priority areas of skill improvement. We also discovered that the midwifery students at our university employed learning strategies during their learning process. These strategies included creation of learning plans directed towards on-site training, implementation of these plans, and evaluation and detection of challenging delivery-related procedures.資料Data Reports
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