ウリクラゲBeroe cucumis Fabricius(有櫛動物門、無触手鋼、ウリクラゲ目)の幼若個体の形態と行動
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We obtained many eggs (ca. 1 mm in diameter including outer perivitelline space) and ca. 150 young individuals born from many individuals of Beroe cucumis Fabricius collected from the sea in Suma, Kobe in January 2010. We reared these young individuals in an aquarium for 25 days and observed their morphological change and behavior. The body length of young individuals 7-11 days after spawning was maximally ca. 0.5-0.6 mm. There were many orange dots irregularly scattered on whol e body of the young individuals 7-24 days after spawning. The proportion of the length of the comb plates against body length was greater (1/3) in young individuals than in their adults (2/3). Young individuals opened their mouths widely upon feeding, and repeatedly altered their body shape once they ceased swimming.
- 2011-03-00
土井 敏男
DOI Toshio
Kobe Municipal Suma Aqualife Park
土井 敏男
Kobe Municipal Suma Aqualife Park
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