- 論文の詳細を見る
Objectives : The aim of this study was to ascertain rates of self-awareness of having contracted hemorrhoids, and to investigate the relationship between life-style and work environment factors to self-awareness of contracting hemorrhoids.Methods : The subjects were all male employees of company A. Self-awareness of contracting hemorrhoids and factors contributing to self-awareness were determined by self-administered questionnaires.Results : The questionnaires were distributed to 966 subjects, with 836 questionnaires being returned at the completion of the survey. The rate of contracting hemorrhoids was 32.7%. The most common symptoms were bleeding and pain. We determined that the work environment and self-awareness of contracting hemorrhoids were not significantly related, but that self-awareness of contracting hemorrhoids was significantly related to drinking, large consumption of meat, living environment stress factors, constipation, diarrhea, the custom of using automated cleaning toilets, age, and contract within family factors.Conclusions : A large number of respondents indicated self-awareness of contracting hemorrhoids. Age, contract within family factors, post-bowel movement cleaning customs, and stress, were all seen as related to contracting hemorrhoids. Half of the subjects among those who contacted hemorrhoids did not consult a doctor. Therefore, we regard consultation with a medical professional as a necessary aspect of occupational health activity. We further suggest this as a part of general life guidance programs in order to prevent the aggravation and recurrence of hemorrhoids.
- 2011-03-15
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