- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper aims to analyze the structure of household and family in rural Egypt, based on the three kinds of source materials, micro data at household level, geographic information and historical documents. These three kinds of data and information were collected in our surveys of 19 villages from 2003 to 2005.// In this paper, household is by definition a residential unit where individuals share consumption. It is called "usra" in Arabic. On the other hand, family is a social unit based on household. In Egypt, family is generally called "‘āila" in Arabic.// We deal these two concepts of household and family, on the assumption that the basic unit of material life is household, and family is a unit in social life which goes beyond the material life. Since family is based on household, our study bases its analysis on household.// The paper consists of following six parts.// Introduction// 1. Data and methodology// 2. 19 villages in rural survey// 3. Demographic characteristics of household in 19 survey villages// 4. Household structure of 19 survey villages// 5. Family structure in 4survey villages// 6. Historical change of household structure: a case study// Concluding remarks// The findings in the paper are summarized as follows.// According to the nation-wide surveys, there are regional differences between Lower and Upper Egypt in regard to household size, age structure, fertility and consanguinity. The survey in 19 villages shows the same regional variation in regard to demographic features.// As for the scale and structure of household, they are same regardless of region. Most of the households in rural Egypt now are nuclear household. On the contrary, the scale and structure of family differ by region. We conclude this regional difference as a cultural phenomenon that goes along with an arrangement of ouseholds within the village economy.// In comparison of household structure in 1861 and 2005 in Rashda village, the scale and composition of household differ largely. However, the numbers of spouse, son and daughter are same in these two years. This means that the difference lies in number of brothers. We conclude this difference not as a change of the family system, but as an arrangement within the individuals surrounding the household.
- 2011-03-28
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- 序(比較史のアジア: 市場経済)
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- ライラ・アハメド著, (林正雄ほか訳), 『イスラームにおける女性とジェンダー-近代論争の歴史的根源-』, 法政大学出版局, 2000年8月, vi+363+50頁, 4,500円
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- ライラ・アハメド著/林正雄・岡真理・本合陽・熊谷滋子・森野和珎訳, 『イスラームにおける女性とジェンダー : 近代論争の歴史的根源』, 叢書・ウニベルシタス 670, 法政大学出版局, 二〇〇〇・八刊, 四六, 四二一頁, 四五〇〇円
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- 書評 Beth Baron, Egypt as a Woman: Nationalism, Gender, and Politics
- 書評 Stephen J. King, Liberalization against Democracy: The Local Politics of Economic Reform in Tunisia
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- エジプト国民の政治態度 : 地域比較を中心に
- Abraham L. Udovitch, Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam, Princeton Univ. Press, 1970, pp. xii+282
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- 「革命」の前後でエジプト国民の政治意識はどう変化したか
- 書評 長沢栄治『エジプト革命 : アラブ世界変動の行方』平凡社新書622
- イスラムの魅力
- 貨幣史からみた後期中世エジプト社会 : E・アシュトールの中世エジプト物価史研究に寄せて