エジプト農村における「家族」(アーイラ) : 19世紀中葉オアシス村落に関する住民登録文書に基づいて
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The Family is one of the most favored subjects by scholars on the Middle East and has been considered to be the basic factor that characterizes the society concerned. This paper aims to make a contribution to the study of families, by looking at the families in Rashda, an village in Egypt's Western Desert, based on its population register in 1861 (Daftar ta'dād nufūs hissat al-shaykh ahmad al-h ājj muhammad 'abd al-hāfiz, dated 9 Jumādā II 1278).//Rashda is one of the villages in Dakhla Markaz, Wādī Jadīd Governorate. It is located 10 km northwest of Mūt town, the administrative center of Dakhla Markaz. It is the second biggest village in Dakhla oasis with a population of 5,361 in 2004. However, it is a relatively newly established village, whose origin goes back only to the second half of the 19th century, when farmers migrated from other neighboring villages seeking water for cultivation.//In 1899, Rashda was formally separated from the village of Qalāmūn and became an independent village. However, Rashda had already become a relatively large settlement by the middle of the 19th century, as shown in the population register of 1861. In this document, 50 families were registered by household head. In 1861, the inhabitants of Rashda were living in the old town on the sand dune.//In Rashda, families were formed through two relationships: paternalism and brotherhood. An analysis was conducted and the following facts were deduced. (1)Families with married sons did not include the brothers of household heads. (2)The most stable family seemed to be that of three generations living with sons and grandsons. (3)There were no families with members spanning more than threev generations. (4)Brotherhood was considered to be the principal substitution for the labor force of family. (5)Families which were purely formed through brotherhood were characterized by (a) the non-existence of married sons of the household head, (b) small differences in age between the household head and his brothers, and (c) household heads who resided with their mothers. (6)Mothers played a large role in the formation of families joined through brotherhood. (7)Nuclear families with unmarried sons were the largest in number. (8)The family type changed according to the age of the household head. In conclusion, paternalism was the key principle for the reproduction of families over generations. However, paternalism was restricted to the relationship between father and son. So, the family in Egypt tended to diminish in size, because of the instability of the family in the long term. In fact, the identity of the family in most cases in Egypt cannot go back more than three generations.
- 2010-03-26
- エジプト農村における「家族」(アーイラ) : 19世紀中葉オアシス村落に関する住民登録文書に基づいて
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