<国際学会発表 Conference papers>Historical Development of Standards of the American Public Library : From National Standards to Local Planning
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The national standards for public libraries were first published by theAmerican Library Association in 1933 and were revised approximately once a decadein 1943, 1956, and 1966. The standards placed significant influences on the developmentof American public libraries. However, development of these national standards wasceased by the Public Library Association (division of the ALA) in 1966 due to the newtrend from the beginning of 1970s to value the planning process of individual libraries,which encourages public libraries to develop and implement individual plans based onneeds of the local community. The outcome of this trend was the Public LibraryMission Statement which was adopted by PLA in 1979. These changes indicate thetransformation from the input to output model library as well as from nationalstandards to local standards based on the community needs. Furthermore, this shiftcontinues with an increasing emphasis on the measurement of the effectiveness oflibrary services. The present paper offers a new perspective for implementing publiclibrary standards in Japan and China by examining the transformation of Americanpublic library standards.
- 河井弘志著, 『ドイツの公共図書館思想史』, 京都大学図書館情報学研究会発行, 日本図書館協会発売, 2008年10月, xi, 298p.
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