- 論文の詳細を見る
In Itelmen (a Chukotko-Kamchatkan language spoken in Kamchatka of the RussianFederation), the person and the number (1st, 2nd, and 3rd person and singular and plural,respectively) are marked by verbal affixation. In most cases, verbs conjugate by personand number of the intransitive subject and the transitive direct object. Itelmen alsoincludes person conjugation with oblique arguments, and this conjugation occursfrequently. Semantic roles of the oblique person markers are mostly possessive, locative,and directive. Note that verbal person markers not only indicate the subject, the directobject, and the oblique argument, but also express person of reason or purpose of theaction without overt argument. It is assumed that the main function of verbal personmarkers in Itelmen is to indicate which person is prominent in the discourse.
- 2011-03-25
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