アルゼンチン社会の悪循環 : ビベサ・クリオージャと国の不統一(その2)
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Argentina is blessed with natural and human resources, but is beset with so many indigenous problems, being divided politically and stagnant economically. Why? Mainly because of the distinct nationality called Viveza Criolla. Almost 200 years have passed since its independence in 1816, but there is still no real national unity in Argentina. People dislike cooperation. Their civic consciousness is low. Corruption is still rampant. Schools are falling apart due to the low moral level. No civic education is effectively offered at school. The nation is never under the rule of law. Politics precedes, and interferes with, all others. There is no real division of the three powers according to the National Constitution. The result is infamous corruption of justice. Back in 1925 said Albert Einstein,“no nation could develop, with such widespread disorders in the society, even if blessed with abundant resources."His remarks still remain valid today. All the disorders of Argentina are fundamentally due to the Viveza Criolla, the sly and underhanded practice nurtured traditionally inside the country. The roots of the Argentine decline reflect the lack of the civic consciousness both of the government and of the people, and the lack of national goal or vision on how to survive in the age of globalization, all being related more or less to the Viveza Criolla. The enormous disorders of the society are typified by the corruption of tribunals (especially that of the Supreme Court). The corrupt judicial system paralyzes the morality of the people, which reflects the tragic distrust of the government by the people. No wonder, Argentina fails to develop fully into a modern democratic country.欧文抄録: pp.297-298
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