A Fundamental Shift in Development Thinking(2): Towards Global Citizenship Education and "United Global Citizens"
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Followed by the former paper published in 2001, which discussed three major tendencies in Third World development, i.e.: "development from above"; "development from below"; and "development from within" approaches, this paper further examines development thinking as to how both poverty and environmental degradation can be addressed fundamentally. In the essay, both limitations of "development from within" and the importance of changing an international structure that creates both massive poverty and environmental problems are articulated. In making this change, a role of "development education" and "global citizenship education" through vigorous NGOs' activities is highlighted. In particular, the significance of a creation of global networks is explicitly displayed through an examination of "United Global Citizens" advocated by the Network "Earth Village". Finally, this paper shows a direction towards solving both poverty in the South and global environmental degradation, through focusing its discussion on networking. This study wishes to articulate the importance of networking of networks by the hand of NGOs and citizens in the world for a realization of a sustainable society in harmony with the earth.
- 奈良大学の論文
奈良大学 | 論文
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