- 論文の詳細を見る
"[ササ]" has been regarded as a "wrong" character by MJJ (Ministry of Justice Japan). It is excluded from the Unified Character Set for Family's Registers 戸籍統一文字) in Japan, and from the computer character sets such as JIS X 0213 or Unicode. In September, 2009, MBS (Mainichi Broadcast Station) reported about a family, whose family name had been "[ササ]山" and was changed into "密山" by MJJ. MJJ has been trying to exclude "wrong" characters from Family’s Registers, correcting them into "right" characters. MJJ considered "[ササ]" as a "wrong" character and corrected it into "密" . MBS contacted CIEAS (Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University) about the character "[ササ]", and the author, a faculty member of CIEAS, was interviewed. In fact "[ササ]" is less common nowadays. Thus the author, also a member of JIS committee, did not include "[ササ]" in JIS X 0213, since JIS X 0213 should include characters that are common in Japan. However, "[ササ]" was used more frequently in the Kamakura period and appeared in old Japanese dictionaries. "[ササ]" is a rarely-used character but not a "wrong" one. As a result MJJ withdrew their decision about "[ササ]" and re-corrected the family name into "[ササ]山". But MJJ is still trying to exclude other "wrong" characters from Family's Registers even now.
- 2010-03-25
- 3.コンピュータ端末の元祖になった電信機「テレタイプ」(あの技術は今)
- 「[ササ]」字考
- ケータイの絵文字と文字コード
- 文字コード問題 新常用漢字表が迫るUnicode移行 「シフトJIS」では対応不可能
- 漢字文化と日本語の未来(,日本語学会2008年度春季大会シンポジウム報告)
- 「漢字情報学の構築」共同研究班報告
- QWERTY配列再考
- Adobe-Japan1-6とUnicode─異体字処理と文字コードの現実
- キー配列の規格制定史アメリカ編 : ANSIキー配列の制定に至るまで
- キー配列の規格制定史日本編 : JISキー配列の制定に至るまで
- 日本における最新文字コード事情(後編)
- 日本における最新文字コード事情(前編)
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- 分散メモリ型ベクトル並列計算機上での高速ソーティングアルゴリズム
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- 分散メモリ型ベクトル並列計算機上での高速ソーティングアルゴリズム
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- 文字研究における画像データべースの利活用(日本語学会2011年度春季大会ワークショップ発表要旨)
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