Effective strategy learning through self-regulation within a work organization : Effects of internal and external criteria for self-regulation
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Recent research has again suggested the importance of strategy learning, which leads to improvement in the performance of employees within a work organization. The current study simultaneously examined the effects of internal and external criteria (i.e., employees' effort-direction awareness and leaders' directive guidance) for self-regulation on employees' strategy learning. Two questionnaires were administered, six months apart, to 164 employees to examine the relationship between independent and dependent variables longitudinally. Employees' effort-direction awareness and feedback acquisition displayed direct and significant promoting effects on their strategy learning. On the other hand, directive guidance provided by leaders such as the presentation of visions or strategies , only indirectly affected employees' strategy learning through their positive effects on employees' effort-direction awareness and feedback acquisition. These findings indicate the importance of internal criteria for self-regulation when facilitating strategy learning in employees.
- 九州大学大学院人間環境学府(教育学部門)教育経営学研究室/教育法制論研究室,Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu Universityの論文
- 2009-03-31
九州大学大学院人間環境学府(教育学部門)教育経営学研究室/教育法制論研究室,Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University | 論文
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