環境配慮型生活における生活質感評価法の研究I : 生活モデル模索への覚書
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The present thesis reports of the activities of a Team project“ Assessment Project for Criteria for HumanLife Quality”, established by several members of the Department of Life Environmental Sciences. Preliminaryresearch was mainly conducted in areas of consumer products use, housing facilities, as well as thecultivation of public opinion and attitudes towards low energy life. The high accumulation of systems andfunctions, the rational and rigid differentiations of tasks and areas, typical of city life, aggravate the alienationof the individual and accelerate the consumption rate of material and energy resource. Further researchis necessary, therefore, to relocate the areas in which the needs for privacy and property can be reformulatedto embrace a more organic and cyclic concept of life.
- 2009-03-31
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