和装関連書籍に見る和装品メンテナンスの知識の継承とその問題点 : 最近(1954年〜2005年)の雑誌関連記事の記述量と内容から
- 論文の詳細を見る
This article discusses the generation gap as regards the transmission of knowhow concerning the maintenance and cleaning of garments and accessories, especially traditional Japanese kimonos, and reformed kimonos. As in modern day-to-day family life, parent and child do not seem to lose much time on the subject, we concentrated on the transmission of knowhow through the channel of literary sources, i.e. books and magazines. During the years 1954-2005, we picked up 35 books at random and examined the number of pages dedicated to the cleaning and maintenance of kimonos. We found out that the percentage of these pages compared to the total number of pages in books concerning cleaning arrived at a mere 2,8%; even including instructions how to fold and store the kimono only 4,6%. Around 2002, we perceived a dramatic change in the younger generation's perception of the kimono as a fashionable item, as opposed to the cooler, detached reception of the older generation. The instructions of the 1950's explaining how to unsew a kimono disappear; and instead appear around 2000 helpful advice how to avoid soiling a kimono in the first place, and then to bring soiled kimonos to a kimono laundry, if unsure.
- 武庫川女子大学の論文
横川 公子
武庫川女子大学生活環境学部 生活環境学科
上田 一恵
横川 公子
武庫川女子大学 生活環境学部
磯 映美
横川 公子
磯 映美
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