Usefulness of Thyroid Hormones Measurement in Predicting the Prognosis of Patients with Severe Multiple Injuries
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T_3,T_4(甲状腺ホルモン)の低下する,いわゆるeuthyroid sick syndromeは慢性疾患や心筋梗塞などで見られ,その値が予後をよく反映したと報告されている.その一方,多発外傷は強い外力により生じることが多く,単独外傷に比べて著しく死亡率が高いのが特徴であり,多発外傷の予後には診断,治療を含めて複雑な因子が多いが甲状腺ホルモン値と予後に関する報告はほとんどない.今回我々はそれらにつき検討した.1996年9月より1999年2月まで福井医科大学病院救急部に入院した,多発外傷症例55例(男性34名,女性21名,平均年齢50.7歳)をsurvivors(生存群,S群),non-survivors(死亡群,N群)の2群に分け,それぞれの群で平均年齢,平均ISS(injury severity score),平均APACHEII(acute physiology and chronic health evaluation svstem II),と死亡率につき検討し,S群37例,N群18例において第0,1,3,7病日にTSH値,TBG,T_3,T_4,FT_3,FT_4値を測定した.2群間の有意差検定は第0病日のみの値で,paired-t検定で行った.S群37例とN群18例の間で,ISS,APACHE IIはそれぞれ危険率1%以下で有意差を認めた.2群間の第0病日のホルモン値の比較では,平均血清TSH値では有意差が見られず,平均血清T_3値は低下し,特にN群で著明に低下し,2群間では危険率0.01%以下で有意差を認め,平均血清FT_3値では有意差は見られなかった.平均血清T_4,FT_4値は0.01%以下の危険率で有意差を認めた.以上の結果より,多発外傷の予後の予測に関して,受傷後早期の甲状腺ホルモン,特に,T_3,T_4,FT_4値の測定は有用であると考えられた.To determine the usefulness of thyroid hormones measurement in predicting the prognosis of patients with severe multiple injuries, a total of 55 patients with severe multiple injuries (34 males and 21 females, with a mean age of 50.7 years) were evaluated between September 1996 and February 1999. The patients were evaluated within 2 hours of admission, and the serum free thyroxin (FT_4), thyroxin (T_4), free triiodothyronine (FT_3), triiodothyronine (T_3), thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG), injury severity score (ISS), and the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II) score were determined. The same tests were repeated with the exception of the APACHE II on day 1, day 3 and day 7. A comparison was made of these variables between the survivors (37 patients) and non-survivors (18 patients). The mean ISS was 35.1±15.3 and the mean APACHE II score was 17.7±12.0. The best predictors of the prognosis in a descending order were T_4 (p<0.0001), T3 (p<0.0001), FT_4 (p<0.0001), ISS (p<0.01), and APACHE II score (p<0.01). Measuring the thyroid hormones (T_4, T_3 and FT_4) within 2 hours of admission together with ISS and APACHE II score appear to be useful in predicting the prognosis of patients with severe multiple injuries.
- 1999-08-25
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