How Do Japan's Hospitals Evaluate the Economic Partnership Agreement Sheme?: A Comparative Survey between Hospitals Accepting the First Batch of Foreign Nurses and Those Accepting the Second Batch
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Japan has opened its labor market to foreign nurses under the Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement (JIEPA) since 2008 and the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) since 2009. By accepting foreign nurses under the governments’ policies, JIEPA and JPEPA paved a way to a new era of globalization in nursing, and it may influence the attitudes and consciousness of Japan’s hospitals accepting the first-batch hospitals (accepting the first batch of foreign [Indonesian] nurses), and the second-batch hospitals (accepting the first batch of foreign [Filipino] nurses). Since the JIEPA scheme and the JPEPA scheme are similar in acce3pting nurses from each country, a fair comparison between the first-batch hospital and the second-batch hospital can be made.The result of this study indicated that the first-batch hospitals were likely to need information about culture and religion of the sending countries (p<0.05), to accept foreign nurses due to the reason “to observe the ability of foreign nurses in terms of communication with Japanese medical staff” (p<0.05) and “to observe the reading and writing ability of foreign nurses” (p<0.05).The authors assume that the first-batch hospitals are the ‘trial cases’ in receiving foreign nurses to Japan, and thus preparation for the cultural and religious needs for the foreign nurses must also be considered, especially for the first-batch hospitals partly due to the religious characteristics of the Indonesian nurses.
- 2010-06-30
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- How do Japan's hospitals evaluate the Economic Partnership Agreement sheme?: a comparative survey between hospitals accepting the first batch of foreign nurses and those accepting the second batch (ケア特集)