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Defects of the jawbone have conventionally been repaired using free bone grafts and metallic plates, but patients undergoing reconstruction using these materials experience difficulty using dentures and restoring masticatory function. The use of vascularized bone grafts, which has recently been enabled, has improved bone graft survival rates, and its combination with dental implants has enabled both morphological and functional reconstruction, leading to a higher quality of life. We experienced two patients with tumors of the jaw that were treated by resecting and reconstructing it using a vascularized bone graft with the cooperation of the Department of Plastic Surgery in the School of Medicine. We subsequently inserted dental implants, and the superstructure was created by the Department of Prosthetics. We report the course of these patients, who achieved sufficient jaw morphology as well as masticatory function and who are presently satisfied overall three years to three years and nine months postoperatively.
- 岡山医学会の論文
- 2009-04-01
福永 城司
水川 展吉
高木 愼
高木 愼
水川 展吉
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