前立腺亜鉛およびChelating agentによる抗腺腫効果にかんする研究
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The zinc concentration in the male genital organs of the normal canines and humans was measured. In human, zinc concentration of the normal prostate glands was compared with that of the hypertrophic prostate glands. For the zinc of the canine prostate glands and human hypertrophic prostate glands, an in vitro study was made to determine concentration of about the zinc in the prostate by using 2Na-EDTA, a Zn-chelating agent. Further, in addition to the histological study, an in vivo study was made to investigate concentration of zinc in the prostate, for the canine prostate glands by the local injection of 2Na-EDTA and for the human hypertrophic prostate glands by the local injection of Ca-2Na-EDTA. EDTA, a Zn-chelating agent. Further, in addition to the histological study, an in vivo study was made to investigate concentration of zinc in the prostate, for the canine prostate glands by the local injection of 2Na-EDTA and for the human hypertrophic prostate glands by the local injection of Ca-2Na-EDTA. The results obtained are as follows: 1) As to the zinc concentration in the male genital organs of the normal canines, the prostate glands showed the highest value of 986 µg/gd.w. in average, while testis and epididymis 93.1, 61.1µg/gd.w. respectively. Nextly, as far as the zinc concentration in the male genital organs of the normal human and the human hypertrophic prostate glands, the hypertrophic prostate glands showed the highest value of 808.3µg/gd.w. in average, while the normal prostate, epididymis and testis 302.7, 65.5 and 61.9µg/gd.w. respectively. 2) In vitro zinc deprivation study in the canine prostate glands and the human hypertrophic prostate glands revealed, the ratio of zinc reduction of the 2Na-EDTA treatment group against the control group in the canine prostate glands to be 52.2%, while that in the hypertrophic prostate glands 71.1%. 3) Local injections of 2Na-EDTA into the canine prostate glands were performed in three concentrations of 0.02%, 2% and 10%. No reduction in the zinc concentration nor histological changes were observed in the 0.02% group. In the 2% and 10% groups, the zinc concentration in the prostate glands showed reduction of 68.7% and 73.3% as comparison with the non-treatment group. Histologically, no significant changes were noted in the different concentrations of the local injection, though only in the 10% group not a few cases disclosed strong changes in the acinous epithelium, acinous cavity and stroma. 4) Local injections of 20% Ca-2Na-EDTA were performed into the human hypertrophic prostate glands. They were divided into three groups, one-shot, three-shot and five-shot. In the one-shot and three-shot groups, there were no significant reduction in the zinc concentration and slight histological changes prostate glands. Even in the five-shot group, the reduction rate of the zinc concentration in the prostate glands showed only 9.9% being much less than expected. Histologically, however, there were found eminent changes such as atrophy of acinous epithelium, dilatation of the acinous cavity and fibrosis of the stroma.
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