腺腫様ポリープを伴ったureteritis glandularis
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A 51-year-old man was seen with scrotal swelling. At his age of 27, he had left nephrectomy attempted. In 1970, he had pyelonephritis, at that time the left kidney was non-visualizing on IVP. In 1972, diagnosis of ureteral tumor on the left was made followed by total nephroureterectomy. The kidney was atrophic and had adhesion making the dissection very difficult. In the upper ureter, polyp-like elevation of 3.0 cm in length was noted. Histologically, the kidney revealed tuberculosis, whereas the ureter glandular polyp composed of glandular epithelium with goblet cells. Glandular metaplasia was proved to be widely distributed with various changes such as crypt formation, epithelial nests, epithelial buds or cystically dilated crypts. Histogenesis of glandular epithelium in the ureter is still a matter of dispute if it is metasplasia or embryonic rests in origin.
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