腎盂偽腫瘍(Inflammatory fibroid polyp?)の1例
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There are many conditions which cause radiolucent filling defect in the renal pelvis, whose differential diagnosis is generally difficult to be made clinically. This paper reports a case of renal pelvic pseudotumor initially diagnosed as a malignant neoplasm of the kidney. A 59-year-old woman visited our hospital on March 15, 1977 complaining of 3 months history of intermittent hematuria and left back discomfort KUB film revealed calculus-like shadow in the left renal region, and IVP and retrograde pyelograms disclosed, filling defect with dilatation of the upper calyces due to stone. Selective left renal arteriograms showed cyst formation in middle lateral portion of the kidney without malignant sign. Except the filling defect that led us to make the clinical diagnosis of renal pelvic cancer, positive sign for malignancy could not be obtained from either clinical or laboratory studies, including cytologic examination of urine. Under this clinical diagnosis, nephroureterectomy was performed on March 29, 1977 and the specimen was referred for pathological examination. Examination of cut-surface of the removed kidney revealed stone of a small-finger-tip size with dilatation of the upper calyces and yellow-whitish elastic polypoid tumor whose root was surrounded with the multilobular cysts. Histopathologically, there was no definitive evidence of benign or malignant neoplastic proliferation in the polypoid tumor, whose findings were similar to "inflammatory fibroid polyp" in stomach reported by Helwing and Ranier (1953).
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