[原著]慢性肝疾患の超音波診断 : 門脈圧亢進所見の検討
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It is recently said that ultrasonography (US) has been useful for the diagnosis of several liver disease including liver cirrhosis and fatty liver. In order to evaluate objectively the degree of progression of long-standing liver disease by US, the findings of portal hypertension were assessed. The subjects of this study consisted of 93 healthy controls, 89 asymptomatic hepatitis B virus carriers, 41 patients with fatty liver, 42 chronic hepatitis or liver fibrosis and 72 liver cirrhosis. To evaluate the degree of portal hypertension, several measurements were carried out , which included the diameter of portal vein and splenic vein, and the size of the spleen. In addition, theprCsence of portosystemic collateral veins were assessed. In the patients with liver cirrhosis , splenomegaly was the leading abnormality with being found in 75% of them, and secondly excess size of the diameter of the splenic vein at the hilum of the spleen was seen in52.8% of them. The other findings (i. e. excess size of the diameter of the portal main trunk, left side splenic vein and splenic vein in the intrasplenic portion) were less frequent. Among the other clinical groups, these abnormal findings were found in few cases. Splenomegaly, the excess size of the diameter of the splenic vein at the hilum of the spleen and the presence of portosystemic collateral veins were considered to be useful for the diagnosis both of portal hypertension and liver cirrhosis. In this study, 86.1% of the patients with liver cirrhosis showed one or more of the such abnormalities.
- 琉球医学会,Ryukyu Medical Associationの論文
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