- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, typical sacred places and their surrounding temples and shrines are investigated in Tohoku, Hokuriku, and Kinki district. On typical sacred places in the whole country, the pilgrimage way and the density distribution of sacred points, temple or shrine, are analyzed. In addition, a clarification of the structure of the sacred place is tried to clarify, based on the comparison of the sacred place and the regional feature of the belief facilities such as temple and shrine. The main results of this study are as follows: 1) Sacred places of the same scale in a region usually locate in different areas and do not isolate from each other, coexisting in that region In addition, these sacred places may be connected together and have a kind of structure such as spatial nesting 2) An administrative unit such as a city or prefecture has related to the areal unification of sacred places after the modern age, while a county, province or state related to it before the recent age 3) To the establishing of an areal unification of sacred places, the regional belief base which is found in the distribution of the belief facilities has contributed 4) In the background, there is a regional natural base that makes people accept the sacred place as the areal unification. Especially, the social space based on the natural base such as an island, peninsula, basin and plain is related to the areal unification in local areas. 5) Moreover, believed spaces such as mountains and mountain ranges have fundamental relations. The influence of the mountain belief appears strongly in the early established sacred place.
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