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In this study, the local features of the climate of Hokuriku District, especially of the Toyama Prefecture are clarified on the basis of the normal value of AMeDAS, Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System. Moreover, the appearance of the precipitation distribution around Toyama Prefecture is analyzed on the basis of the Radar-AMeDAS Precipitation and the Aerological Data of Wajima. In addition, the regional difference of the precipitation distribution under the winter monsoon is examined in relation to some atmospheric phenomena and the clarification the factor of their appearance is tried. The main results of this research are as follows: 1) Around Toyama Plain, when western and northern winter monsoons blow, the mountains strongly affect the precipitation distribution and its variation is very large. 2) As for the winter type precipitation, it is much in Kaga when a westerly wind blows, and in Joetsu when a northerly wind blows, but it is controlled in Toyama because Toyama 1ies usually on the leeward shadow of Noto Peninsula. 3) Though the westerly wind in front of the cold vortex brings Plain snow and the northerly wind behind the cold vortex brings Mountain snow, the northerly wind brings much more snow than the westerly wind in Toyama 4) At the heavy snow of 1963 in Toyama, however, a westerly wind blew with a local line of discontinuity, and a large amount of snow was brought around Toyama. 5) When a mild wind blows or stratification is stable, the mountainous region strongly affects the precipitation distribution and it is thought that the locality grows on the distribution of the winter type precipitation 6) On the Toyama plains, the convergence of the westerly wind and the southerly wind from the mountainous region and the convergence of the winds that detour the Kaga mountains and Hohdatsu hills may bring the local heavy precipitation.
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