- 論文の詳細を見る
This is a case report of an adrenal myelolipoma, accidentally diagnosed during a work-up for bladder tumor. A 67-year-old male presented with the chief complaint of gross hematuria. He was subsequently diagnosed as having a bladder tumor, which was resected transurethrally and was found to be a transitional cell carcinoma of Grade 2 and Stage pT2. During further examination for metastasis computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a round tumor (approximately 5 cm in diameter) in the left adrenal. A tentative diagnosis was reached based on the scan, and surgery was undertaken to remove the tumor. A well-encapsulated tumor, yellowish and partly dark brown in color and 60 grams in weight, was retrieved. The tumor consisted of mature lipoid cells with myeloid cells scattered among them which verified the pathological diagnosis of adrenal myelolipoma. The present case is the 16th clinical case of adrenal myelolipoma reported in the Japanese literature.
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