- 論文の詳細を見る
Hochu-Ekki-To, a Chinese herb medicine, was administrated orally to 45 patients with primary male infertility due to oligozoospermia (sperm density was below 40 million/ml) for over 12 weeks. After the treatment, significant increases in sperm concentrations, rate of motility and total counts of normal spermatozoa, which was calculated as seminal volume by sperm density and by rate of normal form of spermatozoa, were observed, especially, in the group of moderate oligozoospermia (sperm density was ranged from 20 to 40 million/ml). In the clinical effect, the rate of pregnancy was 20.0% (9/45) and the rate of clinical efficiency was 51.1% (23/45). No changes of laboratory examinations were observed. We conclude that this Chinese herb medicine is more effective for the treatment of oligozoospermia, especially moderate oligozoospermia, without any serious side effects.
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