Cefoperazone (CPZ)大量投与による前立腺組織内移行について
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前立腺肥大症16例に対する恥骨後式前立腺被膜下摘除術時,CPZ 3 gを急速静注し,前立腺被膜と肥大腺腫への経時的移行につき検討した.1) CPZ投与60分後両者とも移行濃度がピークとなるが,前立腺被膜濃度は肥大腺腫濃度の約2倍に達した.2)摘出標本の組織型による比較では,腺性優位型の方が筋性優位型と混合型よりもやや組織濃度は高かったが,有意差ではなかった.3)前立腺組織中のCPZ濃度が高かったことから,本剤は前立腺炎に対し有効と推定したProstatic tissue levels of Cefoperazone (CPZ) were studied after the administration of 3 g of CPZ, in 16 patients with prostatic hypertrophy who underwent retropubic prostatectomy. The CPZ concentration in the surgical capsule at 60 min. after the administration of CPZ was about 2 times higher than that in the gland. As compared with the histological type of removed gland, the levels in the glandular hyperplasia were slightly higher than that in the fibromuscular and mixed type hyperplasia, but the difference was not statistically significant. CPZ was found to be effective for the treatment of post-operative and bacterial prostatitis, since the CPZ levels of prostatic tissue were considerably high and above the minimal inhibitory concentration level for most bacteria.
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- Cefoperazone (CPZ)大量投与による前立腺組織内移行について
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