Dornier HM3 による上部尿路結石に対するESWL-1,000例の臨床的検討
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Using a Dornier HM3 lithotripter, we treated 1,000 patients with renal and ureteral stones from April, 1986 to July, 1989. They consisted of 612 solitary stones (pelvic stones, 152; calyceal stones, 167; ureteral stones, 293), 265 multiple stones and 123 staghorn calculi (complete, 48; partial, 75). The overall rate of the auxiliary procedure was 59.3% (pre-operative, 47.9%; post-operative, 11.4%). Pre-operative procedure included 430 catheterizations, 26 percutaneous nephrostomies (PNSs) and 23 pyelograms . Post-operative procedure included 69 transurethral lithotripsy , 21 PNSs, 26 percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNLs), 6 meatotomy , 5 chemolysis and 1 open surgery. 484 (68.3%) in 709 good follow-up cases were stone-free at the time of 3 months since the first extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Complications were pain (34.8%), fever (4.3%), pain & fever (8.5%), subcapsular hematoma (0.1%) and ureteral obstruction (0.1%). Thus, ESWL is considered to be a useful means for renal and ureteral stones and in the case of large stone the combination therapy with PNL is more effective than ESWL-monotherapy.
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