STDとしての男子尿道炎・子宮頸管炎の疫学的・治療学的研究 - NY-198(Lomefloxacin)による検討 -
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Urethritis in males and cervicitis in females, which were sexually transmitted diseases, were treated with NY-198, a new quinolone antibiotic, and its efficacy was studied. Seventeen male patients with gonorrheal urethritis were administered a single 300 mg dose of NY-198. The efficacy rate on the 3rd day after administration was 100%, but it was 85.7% on the 7th day due to recurrence in 1 patient. The results of treatment of non-gonorrheal infections were as follow. In this treatment, NY-198 was administered in a daily dose of 600 mg in 3 divided doses for 14 consecutive days. In the treatment of chlamydial urethritis of males, the efficacy rate in 26 patients was 84.6% on the 7th day and 84.0% on the 14th day in 25 patients. In the treatment of chlamydial cervicitis, the efficacy rate was 100% on both the 7th (3/3) and 14th (6/6) days. In the treatment of non-gonorrheal and non-chlamydial cervicitis, the efficacy rate was 100% on the 7th day (1/1) and 50% (1/2) on 14th day. The efficacy rate in all 40 males with non-gonorrheal urethritis was 85.0% on the 7th day and 88.9% for 36 patients on the 14th day, while that in all 4 females with cervicitis was 100% on the 7th day and 87.5% on the 14th day. No side effects were seen in any of the patients. Overall, NY-198 had an efficacy rate of 80% in the treatment of chlamydial infections. NY-198 was found to be a useful drug which is efficacious in the treatment of all STD-related microbes such as gonococci and chlamydia.
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