Haemaphysalis longicornis 幼ダニの日周活動とCO₂に対する反応についての実験的研究
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1. A measurement apparatus for recording the movement of larvae of the tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis, was newly developed. The structure of the apparatus is explained in the following. A red light of diameter of 1 mm by a tungsten lamp is projected close to the inside glass wall of an experimental box, from a flood light projector to a flood light receptor, and the light is cut off by the tick larvae which ascend from ground to wall or descend from wall to ground. As a result, a stimulus is caught by a flood light receptor and the stimulus is transmitted from the flood light receptor to a control box (made by Takenakadenshi K. K.) (Photos. 1 & 2), and in the control box the stimulus is changed into an electric rectangular wave with the power of 500 mV and the electric wave is transmitted from the control box to a recorder. And then it is recorded by the recorder (Photo. 3, Fig. 1). 2. The behavior of the larvae under the constant conditions in the dark, and in the light, 800-1000 Lux by the fluorescent light, at the room temperatures of 20°C and 26-28°C, was recorded during 2-3 days. On the basis of the data (Figs. 2-4), it was found out that there were two peaks, the hours from 9:00 to 12:00 a. m. and from 17:00 to 24:00 p. m., in the diurnal activity of the tick larvae which ascend or descend. The organization of the behavior of the tick larvae in the waiting for the hosts in the field, has been found out by these experimental data as shown below. They ascend on the plants up to the 20-40 em height and wait for the hosts in the forenoon hours from 9: 00 to 12: 00 a. m. and in the evening descend on the mat of piled fallen leaves in case hosts do not come, waiting for the hosts. If the hosts come in the place where the ticks wait, they are attached and fed by them. 3. On the basis of these data relating the diurnal activity of the tick larvae, the experiments were conducted on the behavior of the tick larvae in relation to CO₂. These data (Photo. 4, Figs. 5 & 6) have made clear that they are active in response to CO₂, and that in case CO₂ is given for 5 minutes in the experimental box, they are active, and begin to ascend or descend on the inside glass walls, and that as time passes their activity becomes gradually low, and they return to their pattern of diurnal activity.
- 信州大学教養部の論文
- 1973-03-15
吉田 利男
吉田 利男
吉田 利男
吉田 利男
吉田 利男
Yoshida Toshio
Shinshu University Faculty Of Agriculture Department Of Forest Culture And Environment
Yoshida Toshio
Biological Institute Faculty Of Liberal Arts Shinshu University
Yoshida Toshio
Shinshu University
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