Association of Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and IgA Antibody with Ath erosclerotic Diseases
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An association has been demonstrated between Chlamydophila pneumoniae (C. pneumoniae) infection and atherosclerosis, but data on the relationship between C. pneumoniae DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and antibodies to this organism are lacking. We investigated the C. pneumoniae DNA in PBMC by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and C. pneumoniae IgG and IgA antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of 168 patients with atherosclerotic diseases and 27 controls (healthy control subjects). C. pneumoniae DNA was detected for 48/168 (29%) atherosclerosis patients, IgG for 79 (47%), and IgA for 98 (58%), whereas the corresponding numbers for the controls were 11 (41%), 13 (48%), and 7 (26%). There was no significant difference of the C. pneumoniae DNA positivity rate between the atherosclerosis patients and the controls. However, the C. pneumoniae IgA-positive rate was significantly higher for carotid atherosclerosis patients who had C. pneumoniae DNA in their PBMC than for those without it (74% vs. 18%, P < 0.05). Among the patients with coronary artery disease, the C. pneumoniae IgA antibody positive rate was significantly higher for the patients with DNA than for those without it (68% vs. 18%, P < 0.05). Our results suggest that a high C. pneumoniae IgA antibody titer and C. pneumoniae DNA positivity are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic diseases due to endovascular C. pneumoniae infection.Chlamydophila pneumoniae(C. pneunomiae)感染は動脈硬化に関与しているといわれているが,末梢血中のC. pneunomiae DNA とC. pneunomiae 抗体との関連を示した報告は少ない.私共は168 例の動脈硬化性疾患群と27 例のコントロール群に対して,ELISA 法によるC. pneunomiae 抗体測定と同時に,PCR法を用いて末梢血中のC. pneunomiae DNA を測定し比較検討した.動脈硬化性疾患群において,C. pneunomiaeのDNA の検出率は48/168(29%),IgG 抗体陽性率は79/168(47%),IgA 抗体陽性率は98/168(58%)であった.一方,コントロール群では,DNA の検出率は11/27(41%),IgG 抗体陽性率は13/27(48%),IgA 抗体陽性率は7/27(26%)であった.DNA の検出率は,両群に有意差は認めなかったが,末梢血中のDNA 陽性例におけるIgA 抗体陽性率は,動脈硬化性疾患群(74%)では,コントロール(18%)と比較して有意に高く(p< 0.05), その中の冠動脈疾患(急性冠症候群,安定狭心症,不安定狭心症)においても,コントロールと比較して有意に高かった(p < 0.05).これらの結果よりC. pneunomiae におけるIgA 抗体高値かつDNA陽性の場合は,血管内C. pneunomiae感染による動脈硬化性疾患発症の危険因子に深く関与している可能性が示唆された.
- 2009-09-25
- Association of Chlamydophila pneumoniae DNA in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and IgA Antibody with Ath erosclerotic Diseases
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