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The case of a 63-year-old woman who received arsenious acid (As₂O₃)treatment for acute promyelogenous leukemia (APL) is reported. Although she achieved complete remission (CR) with 45 mg/㎡ all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), multiple liver and spleen abscesses developed as complications during the first consolidation chemotherapy with mitoxantrone and cytarabine. Antibiotic and antifungal treatments were performed for two months, when bone marrow recurrence of APL was detected. After re-remission induction therapy with daunorubicin and cytarabine, one cycle of treatment with 0.15 mg/kg As₂O₃for five weeks was administered as consolidation therapy because of the therapy-resistant liver and spleen abscesses. After the treatment, PMLRARA chimera mRNA became undetectable. The liver and spleen abscesses gradually reduced, and bone marrow remained in CR for at least 24 months after the As₂O₃therapy. It is suggested that As₂O₃ may be useful as consolidation therapy for patients with APL.
- 信州医学会の論文
- 2007-10-10
城下 智
上條 敦
長屋 匡信
北野 喜良
国立病院機構松本病院 内科
古田 清
国立病院機構松本病院 内科
妹尾 寧
国立病院機構まつもと医療センター松本病院 血液内科
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