米国地域市民の起業家精神とリージョナル・ガバナンス -大学・民間企業・コミュニティを核とする地域再生の3つの事例-
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In the 1980s and early 1990s, citizens in US initiated unofficial organizations to solve regional problems. Both private and public sectors made partnerships with one another (private and public partnerships). They were aggressively and passionately engaged in regional issues and implemented what they decided together. Those who thought about their own community were able to save it. The way they tried is closely related to entrepreneurship and stewardship. Those movements encouraged people in the community to build new infrastructures in the region for their future, igniting their entrepreneurship. Some projects were implemented and managed by so-called social entrepreneurs. But another type of entrepreneurs came out, strategically thinking about their own region. They call themselves civic entrepreneurs when they succeeded in selecting feasible projects, raising funds for them and managing them in the way of a venture capitalist. Those initiatives are supported by the funds supplied by the private sector, not by governments. The equity mind (not dependent on debt finance but on equity finance) in private companies and people contributed a lot. They did not rely on the government. They think they have to donate funds on their own decision.
- 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部の論文
- 2006-03-00
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部 | 論文
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