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The Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies at Hosei University has provided a Multicultural Education Program,a Training Program for Teachers in Japanese education and workshops for teachers in Japanese education in order to more broadly develop the study of lifelong education. I have coordinated these programs with the aim of educating people who can teach communication skills in a diverse society. I belive that Japanese education can be defined as "multicultural education." In this sense,students can not only study Japanese laguage,but can also acquire communication skills to overcome cultural differences,establish fair relationships with others and participate in social activities in Japanese and/or the gobal community. In this article,I discuss the implications of "Japanese education as multicultural education" and describe the reasons why it is necessary in the world today. I also introduce several case studies:Japanese Education Programs in universities where I have worked,collaborative activities between universities and public schools in the community,and the promotion of activities in Japanese education for newcomers in the community(Community Japanese Education Activities). The case studies demonstrates that such activities are necessary for learners as a part of lifelong education,and for teachers and volunteers to gain knowledge of each other. In addition,the latter part of the case studies points out that the teachers and volunteers were awakened to the importance of mutual study in Japanese education and have started to conduct workshops in order to develop their potential to learn more about different cultures. This program,Japanese Education as Multicultural Education,conducted at the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies is a new experiment in Japan. Any suggestions the reader can offer on this subject,would be greatly appreciated for you.
- 法政大学キャリアデザイン学部の論文
- 2004-03-00
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