Structure of Pinus massoniana and broadleaf tree mixed forest in the middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River
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The structure of Pinus massoniana and broadleaf tree mixed forest was studied with a view to provide a scientific basis for such forest ecological function research and managements in the region of the middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River in China. The existing distribution of forest in the region is not suitable, due to a large proportion of coniferous forest and a small proportion of broadleaf forest, as well as a large proportion of pure forest, small of the broadleaf tree mixed forest. Such kind of coniferous and pure forest tree structure is the major factor to lead the whole drainage area's ecosystem fragile, non-virtuous crisis. This study collected 95 scientific research sample-plots of eight stand types of Pinus massoniana and broadleaf tree mixed forest in four provinces or municipalities (Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, and Chongqing). The results showed that the stand structure of P. massoniana and broadleaf tree mixed forest had an obvious advantage, could adapt to a variety of environmental conditions and had great vitality and ecological potential compared to coniferous forest in the function of the water and soil conservation. The research suggested that the P. massoniana and broadleaf mixed forest was developing toward the stable, healthy cycle. Therefore, the P. massoniana and broadleaf tree mixed forest should be vigorously developed in the middle and upper reaches of the Changjiang River shelterbelt、長江の上中流域の保安林を構築する過程において、林分構造に深刻な森林問題がみられる。そのため、研究グループでは「国家‘八・五’攻関課題-長江上中流域における馬尾松、コノテガシワの水保全林の経営モデルと経営数表の研究」、「国家‘九・五’攻関課題-長江上中流域における低質の低効率の次生林の改造技術の研究」と「国家自然科学基金-亜熱帯常緑広葉樹林における萌芽更新の特性」等の研究を継続している。それらの研究成果は、中国の長江上中流域に森林の生態的効果の向上と経営管理技術体系の確立に関する科学的根拠を提供するのである。本論文では中国の湖南省、湖北省、四川省、重慶市に設定した95個科学研究標準地から8種類の馬尾松広葉樹混合林の林分構造が調査され、林分類型と樹種構成が検討された。その結果、馬尾松広葉樹混合林は、針葉樹林に比較して大きな生態的潜在能力があり水土保全機能が高く、いろいろな立地環境への順応および持続的な循環型森林育成の可能性が示唆された。馬尾松広葉樹混合林は、中国の長江上中流域における保護林帯の構築に活用、推進することが望まれた。
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