Sixty-year Decreasing Trend of Bare Land in Shirasaka Watershed, University Forest in Aichi, Revealed by Aerial Photography
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東京大学愛知演習林白坂流域における森林植生被覆と裸地面積の推移について,1935年から1998年までの航空写真を用い検討した.その結果,最近約60年間についての裸地面積の減少傾向が明らかになった.裸地面積の推移を検討するため,全ての航空写真の縮尺と形状を地形図に合わせ変形処理(簡易オルソ化手法)を施して比較を行った.本手法は,市販の画像処理ソフトウェアを用いて比較的簡易に作業を行うことが可能なため,森林植生被覆や裸地面積の長期的動向を調査するための有用な手法と考えられる.Aerial photographs of the bare land area in Shirasaka watershed revealed a decreasing trend of bare land during a 60-year period. However, denuded areas in some years seemed to be large due to differences between the photographs, even though all of the photographs were transformed using the same scale. Even if the method applied in this study is qualitative analysis and incomplete in orthophotograph, change of bare land area during 60 year is clearly presented as distribution information. The method used in this study is manual and simple but effective for obtaining orthophotograph images that can be used to describe long-term change in forest cover and bare land area.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科 森林科学専攻,Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyoの論文
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