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地域で生活する知的障害者の身体状況および食生活状況について調査した。彼らが平日に利用している通所施設で実施された身体測定結果より,body mass index(BMI)を性別に検討した。肥満者の場合は,男女とも高率に認められた。施設で実施された健康診断の結果を検討したところ,男性の肥満体格群は普通体格群に比較して,収縮期血圧,血中ALT,尿酸の値が有意に高値を示した。女性では肥満体格群の中性脂肪が有意に高値であった。さらにメタボリックシンドロームの危険要因を示す項目を比較したところ,肥満体格群にメタボリックシンドローム予備群の者が有意に多く認められた。同じ対象者の食生活状況を調査した。食事は規則正しく摂取されていた。一方で施設を利用する平日と自宅などで過ごす休日とでは,食事の内容に違いが認められた。また,間食をとる頻度が高いことが確認された。肥満体格群と普通体格群では食事内容に違いは認められなかったが,平日と休日での食事内容が異なる点が,普通体格群より肥満体格群で多かった。The physical and dietary states in the young adults (men: n=31, age: 31.0±5.5 years, women: n=20, age: 32.3±7.6 years) with intellectual disability living in the community were examined. BMI by sex was examined on the basis of the results of health checkup conducted in the instituition where they could come on weekdays in the day time to do some work which helped them live fulfilling their lives. Obesity was commonly recognized in both men women. Further examination of the results of the health checkup showed that the systoloc blood pressure, ALT, and uric acid were significantly higher in the obesity group(OG) of men as compared with the non-obesity group(NOG). On the other hand, the triglycerides were significantly higher in the women OG. There was a significantly higher ratio in terms of Metabolic Syndrome items in OG than in NOG. Moreover, analysis of the dietary state of the subjects showed that they usually had regular every meals. However, the food balance score that was taken on their own at home on weekends was significantly lower than that on weekdays with lunch provided at the institute. In addition, they very often had snacks. There was not a significant difference in the food balance score between OG and NOG. However, there was a significant difference in the score between weekdays and weekends in the one food group in NOG. On the other hand,there was a significant difference in the score among the 4 food groups in OG. These results suggested that they need to undergo health checkup regularly and follow suitable dietary guidance.
- 2007-02-28
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