An overview of pollen morphology and its relevance to the sectional classification of Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae)
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The extent of morphological diversity in the permanent tetrads of Vaccinium pollen was studied by investigating the pollen of 37 species, representing 18 of the approximately 30 sections of Vaccinium currently recognized. Light (LM), scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used. The variation in apocolpial exine sculpture revealed by SEM, combined with the overall characteristics of the pollen tetrads as observed with LM, were used to assess the present sectional position of each species. Apocolpial exine sculpture of the pollen tetrad varied from finely verrucate through rugulate to psilate; the rugulae have 'secondary sculpture', this ranges from faint to fine to clearly striate, and the lirae sometimes have bead-like sculpture. Seven main types (Types 1-7) as well as twelve subtypes, within Types 1-3, were recognised for exine sculpture. Although the pollen characters do not appear to correlate very clearly with the current sectional classification of Vaccinium, they do provide useful information on taxonomic relationships and allow an insight into some of the taxonomic problems within the genus. Pollen tetrads of V. japonicum sect. Oxycoccoides are the smallest in the study, and have a distinctive, finely verrucate exine sculpture (Type 6); pollen data support the separation of this species from the genus Vaccinium. Slight differences in tetrad size and exine sculpture were found to correspond with geographical distribution. In general the pollen of the New World species of Vaccinium was relatively larger in size than the Old World species, with coarsely rugulate to coarsely rugulate-psilate exine sculpture. Pollen of the Old World species tends to be smaller, and has wider variation in exine sculpture, ranging from finely verrucate through rugulate to psilate.
- 2006-06-30
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- An overview of pollen morphology and its relevance to the sectional classification of Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae)