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Pollen morphology of 6 species in the genus Pieris was examined using light andscanning electron microscopes. Judd’s infrageneric classification of Pieris wasreexamined in the light of new palynological characters. The genus Pieris isstenopalynous in having 3-colporate and oblate pollen tetrads. However, a continuousand serial variation in the exine sculpture, tetrad diameter, polar and equatorial length ofpollen and apocolpial exine thickness was revealed within the genus. Pieris nana ischaracterized by having the smallest pollen and the smallest rugulae in the rugulatesculpture. Considering other distinct morphological characters, we confirm therecognition of monotypic subgenus Arcterica based on this species. Within the othersubgenus, Pieris, members of the sections Pieris and Phillyreoides can be distinguishedby subtle differences in colpus width, septum thickness and ratio of colpus length totetrad diameter. Pieris formosa is distinguished by its psilate exine with clear secondarystriate sculpture. Pieris japonica and P. cubensis are not well differentiated in thepalynological characters, and act as a bridge between sect. Pieris and sect. Phillyreoides.On the basis of palynological characters a dichotomous key of these taxa was alsoprepared.
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