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1) 1982, 1983年に鹿児島県奄美大島の養殖漁場で採取した, 口白症のトラフグを病理組織学的に検討した。 2) 病魚の脳の延髄神経核神経細胞に核内封入体様物形成, 細胞壊死像が見られた。 3) 吻部の潰瘍患部では, 細菌の浸襲を伴わない表皮剥離, 種々の細菌の浸襲と組織の壊死・崩壊が見られた。 4) 病理組織学的検討の結果, 本病の特徴である吻部の潰瘍の形成は, 延髄の神経系の障害に因ると思われる嚙み付きあいの結果生じたと判断された。A microscopical examination was made on cultured tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes suffering from "Kuchijiro-sho" (mouth ulceration) collected from the Amami-oshima island in Kagoshima Prefecture from 1982 to 1983. The disease occurred among young fish and was characterized by erosion and ulceration of the snout and by biting each other. The histopathological change found in all diseased fish was the production of inclusion-like bodies in the nucleus of nerve cells, resulting in necrosis of the affected cells in the medulla oblongata. The feature of nerve cells with inclusion-like bodies had a resemblance to that of "owl's-eye" (NAKAO et al., 1980 ; ONo et al.,1983) found in virus infected cells of human. The affected snout showed erosion and ulceration in the skin with/without bacterial invasions.
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