訪問看護における看護婦 : 対象関係の形成過程
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筆者自身が実施した訪問看護の3事例を用いて,訪問開始後の全援助過程における看護婦-対象の人間関係形成過程を明らかにした。そして看護婦と対象双方の感情のやりとりの場面を分析した。その結果,訪問看護婦と対象の二者関係は,看護婦側が発した働きかけを対象が受け入れる,対象が看護婦に働きかける,互いが理解を深め相手を思いやる,などの過程を経て形成され,その関係は毎回の訪問場面毎に深まったり,停滞するなど変化していた。また看護婦-対象関係に影響する要因も確認できた。看護婦-対象関係の形成過程は,より適切な看護援助を導き,安定した二者関係が対象側に効果的変化をもたらしていた。以上のことから,看護婦-対象関係の深まりに応じた援助の実施,看護行為に込められた看護婦の意図,患者と介護者の関係に配慮した看護介入,看護の責任性に基いた他職種との協働が,対象の生活の質の向上に関わっていることを確認した。The purpose of this study was to clarify the process in formation of nurse-client relationship on visiting nursing, and the factors concerned with this matter, and the changes of the clients through these process. The study is based on the nursing experiences made by the author's own practice of visiting nursing. The nurse-client relationship is focused on the "exchange of each feeling" in this study. The process of formation of their relationship starts when the client accepts the nursing care and then, he/she comes to relay on the visiting nurse. The nurse and client may apprehend each other and their relationship can promote a better understanding through the visitings. This relationship grows more intimate, or could becomes stagnent occasionally. It is influenced by the process of the relationship, consisted of such factors as each feeling, the ideas of the visiting nurse about her care giving, the patient's family's domestic relationship, and the partnership of the nurse and other care givers. It can be produced in the process of adequate nursing care, and a stable nurse-client relationship would affect the client's life more effectively. Accordingly, the following four are important factors in concerned with the quality of client's life; 1. Giving appropriate nursing care according to the process of nurse-client relationship. 2. The feelings and ideas of the visiting nurse concerning nurse care. 3. The professional nursing intervention into the patient's family relationship. 4. The partnership with the other care giver based on the responsibility of nurse profession.
- 千葉看護学会の論文
- 2000-06-30
千葉看護学会 | 論文
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