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在宅ケアの資源利用に焦点を当て,筆者自身が援助した4事例を用いて問題解決が難しい場合のニーズと,それに対し保健婦が工夫していた援助方法との特徴を明らかにした。解決困難なニーズは,資源の仕組みに起因するもの,資源と対象との結びつきの欠如,地域的に利用できる資源が整備されていないこと,さらには対象と保健婦が気持ちを共有出来た時に顕在化するものなどであった。解決を導いた援助方法は,他のニーズを充足して間接的に条件整備をしていたもの,生活を多角的に捉えて利用資源の幅を広げたもの,関連している職種の主体性を導くことにより関連職種の考えを変えたもの,制度利用に至らなくても対象が納得するまで付き合うことが対象側の自己決定を導いたこと,対象を資源と繋いでいたこと,個別状況に合わせた資源の開発をしていたこと等であった。The purpose of this study was to clarify the method of nursing care on expanding the possibility of formal and informal support application in home care. Data was collected from researcher's own nursing practice as a public health nurse. The characteristics of the needs which have difficulty to solve, nursing intention and nursing activities in regard to patient, family and care participants, thinking of the patient and family and nursing device to apply formal and informal support against the needs of patient and family were taken out from the nursing process. The results were as follows: 1. When one need was not covered with the exist services regularly for patient and family, nurses arranged the care conditions by covering another needs of their life. It was that nurses got indirect aid to the various needs for patient, and got the possibility to apply another rule to the exist services. Nurses asked the participants concerned with formal and informal support to understand for patient and his/her family and encouraged their autonomy. 2. Nurses thought about using formal and informal support with patient and his/her family, and helped them to decide for using these support with autonomy. 3. Nurses connected formal and informal support with patient and his family, and founded of new social services with the exist services which are not covered for the individual needs of their life.
- 千葉看護学会の論文
- 2000-06-30
千葉看護学会 | 論文
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