リンパ節転移を起した黒色真菌症の1例 : 病変部における菌の形態について
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The histological characteristics of the demaceaceous fungus "Phialophora verrucosa" was studied from the metastatic lymphadenitis of 23 years old house wife who had been suffering from cutaneous chromomycosis of the right leg since the age of 14 years, and was previously reported by Nogita (1961) and later by Hakugawa (1964). At the time of examination in January 1968, she had had the granulomatous lesions on the hard palate and tonsils, and also bilateral infraauricular and submental lymphadenopathy. The excised lymph-nodes on sectioning showed a dark-brown color and were not adherent to the surrounding tissue. The mycological examination revealed a demaceaceous fungi and Phialophora verracosa was isolated. The histological examination showed that the causative fungi were profese in the necrotic tissue and in the granulomatous tissue that formed around the necrotic area. The morphology of the fungi were observed and varied in the tissue in which they were found. In the necrotic tissue the fungi showed mycelial form but in the granulomatous tissue or in the giant cells they showed spore type or sclerotic cells. The difference of the morphology of the parasites in the two different tissue was considered due to their pathogenicity and the host reaction. In the necrotic area where the host reaction was weak the fungi grow rapidly and form the mycelial, but in the granulomatous tissue or in the giant cells, fungi produce spores or sclerotic cells, which are thought to be a more tolerant form.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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