- 論文の詳細を見る
Some females of Culex pipiens pallens are known under experimental cond tions to show "gonotrophic dissociation", a phenomenon that mosquitoes take blood meal but their ovaries do not develop to maturity. However, its ecological significance for the overwintering of this species in the field is not made so clear. In order to understand this problem, the follicular development was examined in the females which had been reared as adults from wild-caught larvae and fed on a chicken under outdoor conditions during the period from May to October. Examinations were also made with the females which had been reared from first instar larvae under various experimental conditions of temperatures from 18 to 25℃ and photoperiods from 8 to 16 hours, and after blood-feeding kept under the same conditions or under outdoor conditions in November and December. In these experiments, most females developed mature eggs, that is, the rate of the females showing "gonotrophic dissociation" was not high. From the results obtained here and the previous data that the overwintering population is composed mostly of the females which have not taken blood, it is suggested that the gonotrophic dissociation in this species does not play an important role in the overwintering ecology of this mosquito.アカイエカでは,吸血をしても成熟卵が形成されない,いわゆる栄養生殖分離が実験的に起る事実は知られているが,自然界での越冬生態に果す役割については,あまりわかっていない.この点を明らかにする第1歩として,屋外で飼育羽化,吸血させた♀,及び種々の温度と日長とを組み合せた実験環境条件下で1令幼虫から飼育羽化,吸血させた♀を同条件下で,あるいは吸血直接から11及び12月の屋外条件下で飼育して,その濾胞の発育状態を調べた.その結果どの場合においても成熟卵は高率に形成されたので,栄養生殖分離出現率は高くはなかったことになる.更に,アカイエカでは,未成熟の小型の濾胞を持ったまま,吸血せずに越冬に入るのが普通であることを考え併せると,栄養生殖分離は,本種の越冬にはそれほど大きな役割を果すようには思われない.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
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