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熱帯性のべラ科魚類であるヤマブキベラの繁殖縄張獲得行動について、南西諸島の口永良部島の磯水域で観察した。本種の大型のTP雄は産卵時間になると岸よりから沖合いへ移動して一時的な繁殖縄張りを形成し、そこに移動してきた雌と産卵した。大型のTP雄は、より多くの繁殖成功をあげることができる雄の縄張りに侵入し、縄張りを奪った。小型のTP雄の中には採餌しながら終日産卵場にとどまり、産卵時間になると大型のTP雄の縄張り周辺に繁殖縄張りを形成する個体もみられたがそれらはほとんど産卵を行うことはできなかった。しかし、この大型のTP雄を取り除くと、その縄張り周辺部にいた小型のTP雄の中の一尾がその縄張りを獲得した。また、性転換直後と思われるIP個体が、産卵場で採餌しながら、産卵時間には雌と同じように行動してTP雄の縄張り間を移動し、産卵場にとどまるのが観察された。終日産卵場にとどまるこれらの小型のTP雄やIP個体は、繁殖成功をあげるために素早く自己の縄張りを獲得するための機会を窺っているものと思われる。The behavior of the acquisition of mating territories in the wrasse, Thalassoma lutescens, was studied on a shallow reef at Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Large TP males, which foraged on the inshore area, set up temporary mating territories on the offshore reef in the late morning, and pair-spawned with females, which migrated there from the inshore area in early afternoon. Large TP males occupied mating territories, which enable to successfully mate, by intruding. Some small TP males remained foraging in the offshore spawning area and set up mating territories around the large TP male mating territories in the spawning period, but were unable to successfully mate. When a large TP male was excluded artificially, one of these small TP males occupied that large TP male mating territory. Some IP individuals, apparently after changing sex, remained foraging in the offshore spawning area and visited large TP male mating territories in the same way as females did in the spawning period. It is suggested that the small TP males and sex-changing individuals, by remainning in the spawning area all day, help in the acquisition of mating territories in the absence of former territorial owners.
Hashimoto Hiroaki
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima Jpn
Hiroaki Hashimoto
Department Of Bioresource Science And Technology Graduate School Of Biosphere Science Hiroshima Univ
渋野 拓郎
橋本 博明
Department Of Bioresource Science Graduate School Of Biosphere Science Hiroshima University
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