- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to propose more use of wooden materials in Japanese school buildings. The authors explore the possibility, examining and analyzing the present condition of public school buildings and the consciousness of municipal officers concerning wooden school buildings. First the authors compared the cost of wood versus the cost of reinforced concrete(RC)in school buildings constructed in the recent 12 years and found that the average cost per square meter was nearly the same. Second we administered a questionnaire and analyzed 300 replies from city officers in charge of plant maintenance. The questions were concerned with the construction and rehabilitation records of their buildings for the past 10 years, their feelings about the cost of both wooden and RC construction, the merits and demerits of both types of buildings, and with the cost of wooden materials in the future. The results show that they realize the wooden school buildings are excellent in that they contribute to sustaining the environment and are also good for providing children a healthy living environment, but that there are some anxieties about maintenance, management, and durability. The authors conclude that the proper procedure to be followed in constructing wooden school buildings is not widely known, and that more research needs to be done about those aspects of wooden construction that cause anxiety.
- 2014-07-01
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