- 論文の詳細を見る
The Control Engineering class for the fifth-year students of Electronic Control Engineering Department, Sendai National College of Technology, is conducted in the form of lecture and experiment, and the PID controlled experiment has been carried out in the class since 1989. Moreover, the control theory is taught to the fourth-year students in a lecture manner, but most students say, "Control is difficult." It is true that mathematical knowledge and its derivation are required for understanding the classical control theory. Although it is impossible to convert the mathematical expression itself into a tangible form, it is comparatively easy to limit the subject to controlling and manufacturing it in an electric circuit, etc. Therefore, the systematically controlled experiment support system centering on the PID control was built to treat this experiment functionally and visually, by combining basic box-type circuits. We had the fifth-year students manufacture this system and conduct experiments and practices. We introduce the class and report the students' evaluation of the class through questionnaires.
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